I was travelling on the autobahn this afternoon when the radio announced that President Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize. Not understanding German I doubted the driver translated correctly; but when I reached Berlin I rushed online and read the news: President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize.
Holy cow!
His detractors celebrated his failed campaign for us to host 2016 Summer Olympics---talk about "un-American"!---but let's see: Olympics host...Nobel Peace Prize...? Naw, there is no comparing the two. And the President didn't even campaign for this one!
2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Jimmy Carter applauded the Committee for making a "bold statement of international support for his [Obama's] vision and commitment." Al Gore, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner, echoed the accolades and support.
Eat that Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck.
here is a list of Peace Prize winners since 1980

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