The gay movement is pathetic. The only relevant thing more pathetic is the celebration thereof.
The very name is grossly misleading because there is little inherently gay about homosexuality. Yes, there are children's rainbows and dancing and prancing, and lots of people playing dress-up but, my, the same goings-on can be found in an asylum. The word gay and its innocent connotations have been co-opted by a sexually promiscuous lot, who proudly identify themselves as a "community", to the point where it is rendered controversial or insulting if not in reference to a homosexual. That is the abuse of the word.
The misleading part comes in that gay is one of the farthest things the homosexual is, a point of fact their celebrations strive to obscure and suppress but which, it appears to me, merely serve to display underlying insecurities. Honestly, do people who are so secure with who they are make grand demonstrations to "prove" the point? No. Playboys or bullies or happily married husbands and wives do not organize themselves into a "community" to showcase their happy existence to society.
Any persons or groups who made such ruckus would be promptly taken to task for being insecure. Isn't this the proverbial stone fired at every Lothario and loud Christian. Yet, homosexuals are the only lot who live to do this and few voices take them to task.
"Look at me, look at me", they sing, like an attention-deprived child.
We witness no attention seeking parades for the aforementioned because there is nothing to flaunt. What would be the purpose in parading about town Mensa membership or illiteracy or a mood disorder? None. The demonstration would be void of purpose because it would stand absent of sustenance. What, Look at us we have genius I.Q.s and you do not! Ha-ha! Pathetic.
Queer pride events are as equally purposeless yet escape well warranted criticism. The demonstrations glorify debauchery, pedophilia, unmanliness (save for butch dykes), fetishes and psychoses, hedonistic sex. And insecurities. The gay movement is lambasting society with its über pride because this is, according to first-hand declarations, how its members truly feel: Fairies, Bears, Cubs, Pigs, Ponies, Bitches, Boy lovers, Daddies, Cum sluts, Twinks, Queens. Ladies and gentlemen, this ain't normalcy or open-mindedness;
it's Narnia on crystal meth!
Throw in some Cheshire Cat pimps, Mad Hatter johns, and Huckleberry boy toys and you've got a circus reality that would make Rod Serling gag on his fag.Just because one fancies hedonistic sex or piddling children is hardly cause for showcasing it. Just because one feels does not mean one should act out those feelings. And just because Reality, unfortunately, stops at the foot of the queer movement does not mean judgment should.
Why should it?

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