Clergymen have no place in politics unless they actually enter politics. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr understood this. As does Rev. Billy Graham.
Politics, more so than established religion, goes after the juggler like the angel Gabriel with sword in hand. Modern America has grown accustomed to what essentially amounts to sermonized Aesop's Fables as it has grown more secular; that is to say, pass no judgment, offend no sensibilities, speak only of sunshine and preferably with the the neutral pronoun.
Since no preacher worth his salt does this he should therefore a) avoid broadcasting his sermons lest vulturish critics shout, "Look! I've proof he said something politically incorrect"; b) stop kissing up to be the "spiritual mentor"---oh brother!---of rising politicians lest vulturish critics denounce, "Look! I've proof he said something politically incorrect"; c) stay in his place in the pulpit.
Put another way, preach to the choir and sit the ^!#@¡ down.
Am reminded of a poem by Charles Bukowski in which he observes the priest and the bull fighter in their respective arenas.
With the voting population appearing more moronic and thin skinned and spiteful, the news media are all too happy to play up a gladiatorial spectacle where nothing less than crippling bloody vanquish is sought.

click here to see damn! hot preaching...from a priest!
The reason why many communities allow their clergymen to be the unrivaled spokesmen on political and socially economic issues is because the pastor is, not to be redundant, the shepherd of their flock. Thus the sermons he delivers each Sunday and the manner in which he delivers them are symbolically one-on-one and generally acceptable. What, do you think there's someone behind the curtain playing an applause recording?

click here to see 'ole school preaching, yessuh lawd!
Thankfully most places of worship are not non-denominational centers id est relativist spiritual yoga classes. As such however, since one's church, no matter how mega-, is no microcosm of the nation that same message warmly received by the congregation will undoubtedly ruffle feathers when put to the nationwide test. The gasps are endless: What?! He preached against big business...against welfare recipients...against Israel...against the White House...against fornication...against homosexuality...against war...against television...against sloth and avarice...against rap music...against a different religion or doctrine!! and on and on ad nauseam.
So? Is this anything new? Congregations are not bus terminals meant to accommodate every and all, and any insistence on the contrary is secular absurdity.
On that note, yes, preachers should keep fighting battles but from the pulpit and presidential aspirants should stop trying to use clergymen as pawns for more votes lest the both of them get scorched by the unrelenting fire and brimstone of public opinion.

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