The great state of Hawaii has once again acquiesced to Republican curiosity and hate-mongering rumors and confirmed, unequivocally, the legitimacy of President Obama's American birth. The 44th President of the United States was born in Hawaii in 1961. How sweet it is!
But reality doesn't comfort some GOP nutters. "They just keep asking over and over and over again," Hawaii Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo said. These are the same people, after all, who liked the 43d President and his documented incompetence.
For many, the reality of President Obama stings like a mother----! That puts a smile on my face. Here are just a few of the haters. Aloha haters:
Orly "Russian Birther" Taitz -&- Walter Bagdasarian

Rush "I hope he fails" Limbaugh

Sarah "Clueless" Palin

Lou "???" Dobbs

Ann "Crazy Bitch"Coulter

Mrs Rothschild, aka stupid rich girl


FOX News

Alan "Blowhard" Keyes

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