After price-hunting up and down College Street (Toronto) I snapped up one of those new mini models on the market---brand new!! At $270 (+11.5% Canuck tax) I think I got it at a deal. Told myself, Don't spend more than three hundred dollars, and I pretty damn well hit the mark; and it's brand new!!
it's compact, cute and sexy black---just like me. But as an avid traveller I do loves to travel light!
Asus PC900HD. Am a fast typist so the small keyboard will take some getting used to but the small screen is pretty okay...plus it comes with a built-in webcam...ooh la la. Chi-ching. The real kicker for me, though, is its small size. Sure, it's compact, cute and sexy black---just like me---but as an avid traveller/backpacker I love the fact that the doggone thing is no larger or heavier than a philosophy book. I do loves to travel light!
Now I feel like a hip Japanese/Chinese/South Korean traveller. Hehehe
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