As you'll recall the suspense was thick with who might actually win the doggone contest. Mrs Clinton or Mr Obama, Mrs Clinton or Mr Obama...? It was just too close to call and by 10p CST all analysts were looking to one square on the state map: Lake County. By 11:30p all talk between Brit Hume and his panelist (FOX) and Wolf Blitzer intermixed with Anderson Cooper's panelists (CNN) and those on MSNBC and local networks was focused on---ta-daa!---Lake County. As midnight came and went the numbers finally started coming in from the county...slowly.
Mrs Clinton had long since given her victory speech in Indianapolis although body language betrayed the fact that her slim victory wasn't yet known let alone confirmed.
If the prize hinged on the voters of Lake County, it was thought, then conventional assumption tipped the state in favor of Mr Obama.
And, boy, did the thought of such a reality not gel with Mayor McDumbass.
He went on CNN and laid plain his complaint against the handling of tally numbers which was handled by Gary mayor, Rudy Clay who is also the county Democratic chairman (hitherto referred to as the black Pink Panther).

It was comical to watch Mayor McDumbass' exasperated scowl as CNN's efforts to get a straight answer from Mayor Pink Panther's goobidy-gob explanation of the late tabulation yielded nothing beyond a repetition of power words like overwhelmed and disenfranchisement and phrases such as "never before", "thousands of absentee ballots", "first time voters", et cetera. (view clip)
At one point Mayor Pink Panther took three seconds to emphasize "thousands" as if the number was just too astronomical for Hoosiers' comprehensions.
However, by the fourth or fifth---I was giggling too hard to recall---reiteration of the same simple question of why didn't Lake County release the numbers from the various machine totals as they were reported by districts and polling stations, it was all too clear the chairman mismanaged or miscalculated and bungled the process.
Mayor McDumbass suggested corruption was afoot.
Others saw it as Mayor Pink Panther's ego in play.
What is clear is that Lake County, Indiana---little 'ole Indiana---had the national spotlight in this tightly fought presidential race and came out sounding more like loser phenomenon William Hung than Battle Hymn of the Republic.
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