Texas Supreme Court countered the injustice afflicted on the polygamist sect by issuing the return of the children to their parents. It may be hard to believe but it was over a month ago the families were broken up by welfare authorities who grandstanded historically with wholesale removal of over 400 children some of which were young mothers themselves.
Sans any evidence toward the popular prejudice of polygamy and forced marriages it is even more agreeable to conclude the sect was ransacked for its religious beliefs---just as the Yearning For Zion members have said all along.
Michelle Roberts of the AP reports, "Under state [Texas] law, children can be taken from their parents if there's a danger to their physical safety, an urgent need for protection and if officials made a reasonable effort to keep the children in their homes. The high court agreed with the appellate court that the seizures fell short of that standard."
No time line has been articulated by the Court's decision on when exactly the families are to be united.
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