Did you notice how the media convicted the polygamists without a shred of evidence...or were you, too, too caught up in casting stones to notice?
The YFZ Ranch (Yearning For Zion) fell victim to mainstream and liberal xenophobia of people who elect not to participate in our dog-eat-dog, materialistic, obese society. The group maintains male-female roles and are devout God worshipers. They dress funny---but no more so than Amish folk who actually live more amongst us---and conduct themselves to a very traditional and antiquated way of life. So what if they prefer polygamy over adultery, handmade necessities of their own labors versus retail goods at department stores and supermarkets; isolated communion over vanilla suburbs, chocolate ghettos, taco barrios, home schooling over public school mediocrity, housewives over feminists and manliness over haute couture sissies versus "partners"; Bible focused Christianity over non-denominational 'centers', or candles over Edison's bright invention?
The media (and likely you) condemned the polygamist group because they wanted to believe the worse, principally that paternal culture is evil and tortures the female sex. With that bigotry it was easy to accept there had to be distressed damsels being raped left and right, and that the men amounted to pedophiles in coveralls while the women were obviously fearful and brainwashed.
You who purport to be so open-minded, tolerant, non-judgmental conveniently forget that it is in our modern Starbucks, Blackberry, Microsoft, hip-hop world where exists campus rapes, school shootings, gossip rags, Playboy magazine, Cinemax, porn industry, deadbeat dads, teacher-pupil relations, bawdy houses, and unfunny comedians like George Lopez.
Do you despise YFZ more for escuing pop culture or for resisting feminism? Yes, feminism.
Let's see. In the sect the men control the households, provide for their families, and protect them. Wow that sounds terribly prehistoric. Wonder what the cavemen of Geico would have to say about that. Life within the church was going along its dull anti-relativist way until the law and the long arm of mainstream prejudice removed the children from their homes. All 400 of them!
Nowhere in this drama were fathers' rights given credence (and only mothers' as an unavoidable afterthought). The man, feminism has taught us, is incapable of caring and respect; he moves according to his primal sexual cravings and need to dominate. The men of the sect, per emasculated rationale, epitomized masculinity: intolerant, controlling, preying on the young and defenseless.
So the state of Texas removed offspring from progenitors and wrecked households for whose safety?
Not the children. That is merely window-dressing. Not the wives. They are content with their ways of life. And, of course, the husbands did not even warrant consideration save for suspected pedophilia and sodomy.

Texas is notorious for an aggressive justice system that often over reacts. Look at the Monkey's tract record in business, Texas, Washington...take your pick! Children were taken from their world and put on track for foster homes; husbands were villainized for being bad men; mothers were told "Shame on you!" And still no real proof of criminality, no evidence of law breaking, no materialization of the Good Sister Jane Doe caller.
But who needs right when you have might, right?
As per the reporting of teenage mothers, Oh please! Look at inner city schools from New York City to Los Angeles with their Planned Parenthood programs, high school nurseries, sex education, and pregnant unwed girls then tell me which society is dysfunctional: ours or ye óle God freaks' un-hip, un-secular, unfashionable pilgrim one.
I don't see who was served well by this circus of child welfare. Truly no child was left behind in this judicial ruckus. How befitting it should occur in Texas.
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