Mexico has legalized same-sex marriage. And?
My lack of faith in marriage hardly needs further encouragement but this "historical" sham by our Third World neighbor is further proof that marriage is whatever the hell you think constitutes it. As the legislature pats itself on the back for some supposed advancement in civil rights let's give a one-handed clap and ask, And?
Now that Juan and Jose can cement their love---where? in a Catholic church?---and sneer at America for being backwards what real progress has Mexico made on any real front?
It is still common practice for prosecutors to punish rapists by obligating them to marry their victims. What a bright idea! Forget earning cents to the peso, women are downright simply second-class citizens; the reality is cruder for indigenous people---whom Mexicans slander as "Indians"---as a whole. Sexual harassment hasn't even reached the debate of being politically incorrect. Nearly all indoor jobs go to femenino applicants while masculino applicants with zero education work outdoor jobs. Jane clean, Tarzan swing. The largely unsolved 400+ female homicides since 1993 in Ciudad Juarez is still hopefully under investigation (click here).
this "historical" sham by our Third World neighbor is further proof that marriage is whatever the hell you think constitutes itIf the country has any child labor laws you certainly can't tell. For those children that aren't working, they are likely begging. Pity and charity are nurtured at the tit and from the cradle.
The education system, like the court system and driving regulations, is incomprehensible to a foreigner. I know citizens who have no education and the social graces to prove it, and then those who perpetually re-enroll in universidad armed with a vocabulary loyal to freshman year and, yet, there is not a chasm of difference betwixt their worldview or economic or social standings. They say school is mandatory but I see school-age children during all hours of the day, night and late night.
Corruption goes hand in hand with promotion.
Drug cartels are fierce and ruthless and, chillingly, in some cases, celebrated and respected by the people as Robin Hoods. Mexico's witness protection program doesn't trouble itself with new identities and practically lists the addresses of participants. Coyotes, human traffickers, are actually looked upon as good, viable options as opposed to, say, education, discipline, honest living. Bribery, like racism, is rationalized.
Birth deformities and old people beg in the streets like displaced circus geeksGuadalajara's professional soccer team Club Chivas, for one, bars non-Mexicans from joining its organization even if the athlete has dual citizenship. Only 100% Mexicans can play on their roster.

There is no welfare system of which to speak. Birth deformities, accident survivors, and old people beg in the streets like displaced circus geeks, giving drunkards and lazy ass indigenous mothers competition. (Btw, don't give money to those little old poor women sitting on the sidewalk. It only encourages their dishonesty and lack of dignity. I know for a fact they wouldn't work if you offered them something to do. Fuck 'em.)
A chink shall never become a real beaner and don't you forget it, muchacho!Ecologically, recycling is still a fad. Automobile pollution is just another one of those things that can't be helped---like solving kidnappings or crime, in general. And, last among the least, the well memorized advisory: DON'T DRINK THE WATER.
But, wow, now Juan and Carlos can giggle and introduce the other as his husband. Progress.
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