Of all the black men the pigs might've arrested they picked on THN of Harvard University. Henry Louis Gates---
thee Henry Louis Gates---heavily decorated scholar, black history historian, influential intellectual, esteemed academician, Harvard professor in handcuffs after a white woman mistook him for breaking into his own house. Sound familiar? Technically, Mr Gates was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct for angrily requesting the officer's name and badge number. Sound familiar?
If this rings foreign to you, then you might be that dumb white bitch who likes to call pigs on black people for made up crimes like, say, breaking into their own homes or walking in the neighborhood or entering a gas station in a group or looking ("stalking") or rape when it was consensual or fabricated rape when there was no contact or car-jacking and killing the babies that were in the back seat or carving words onto white bodies, et cetera.
What do you call a black man with a college degree or riches or successful profession?
Never mind the bogus charges were dropped within a week. One's mind arranges the mosh of things---black man, Harvard professor, arrest---into a sum and invariably thinks, muses, wonders, asks, WWOD (What will Obama do)?
In his identity quest, was the President
never verified of his Negro status by a "random" police search? Not even in Chicago?! Hell, even Michael Jackson got the answer to his lyrical query. And
I was just stopped and questioned by German politzei at the Berlin train station for absolutely no apparent reason. The officials were very pleasant and professional---the nicest I've ever met, really---but since they had no cause to stop me and since I committed no infraction their interruption of my day remains unfair and, evidently, racially motivated.
We can't give President Obama a pass on this one. As a candidate he was VERY vocal about the lack of federal response devoted to those abandoned to Hurricane Katrina. As the first black president of America he has got to put his foot down on things that matter to us here in America. Because, hey, if civilly dressed, un-thuggish, upstanding, law-abiding black gentleman like Mr Gates or Earl Graves, founder of Black Enterprise magazine, are subjected to racist---at best, moot---search and seizures, then, apparently, the only thing sheltering Mr Obama from bully pigs is the fact that he is the United States President. Note, I said apparently; quote the old riddle: What do you call a black man with a college degree or riches or successful profession?