Brigitte Bardot was successfully sued in French court for crimes of hatred and discrimination because the French icon strongly opposes the animal slaughtering practiced by religious Muslims; a practice now being accepted in her native land as larger numbers of Muslim immigrants bring their customs to foreign soil. Quote madame,"I am tired of being led by the nose by this population that is destroying us, destroying our country by imposing its acts."
In the U.S.A. Mexicans represent the immigrant bane, in Italy its the Romanians, for many Germans its the Turks while in Puerto Rico its the Dominicans, and for most of suburbia, non-wasps. Well in France, and increasingly throughout the EU, its the Muslims.
Liberals call it diversity and multiculturalism but speech codes and their spurious ilk are purely fascist. We are witnessing fascism played by the other side. (my book)
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is a schoolyard diddy of a bygone time; A time when toys were made of metal, schoolchildren were not obese, cable television was a luxury, and when the only Americans who bought bottled water fit the mold of Wall Street yuppies.
France---the ever secular and saucy can-you-can-can France---is experiencing the hot poker of its liberalism, namely that just because you invite someone to the party doesn't mean they'll respect you as the host. Oui, oui Missuer Beeeaaatch!
This is what comes of tolerating intolerance. C'est la vie!
Some years back there was the row over Muslim girls' head scarves which were eventually allowed whilst crucifixes worn by Christians are prohibited in the workplace and school. Recently, a fuss has arisen over a French court nullifying the marriage of a Muslim couple because the husband discovered his bride was not the virgin she said she was. Oooh that's gotta hurt! It ain't called a marriage contract for nothing.
As for Madame Bardot, she is adamant about standing up for her cultural values. While long removed from her reign as a cinema sexpot she's not lost any of the fire that has made her a woman worthy of a double take.

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