WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Fox: Jackson used N-word in crude off-air remarks - Yahoo! News

And Quentin Tarantino (couldn't care less if I misspelled his name) employs it liberally throughout his movies. Oh riiiight: Rev Jackson did make a big to-do of castigating rappers for using the word nigger---à la Tarantino---and then there was that whole symbolic burying of nigger in a casket.

The only one letter words on this website are 'a' and 'I'.

Now the goodwill reverend has been caught with his foot in his mouth in the lion's den (aka, FOX News).

It's like my late mentor would say of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton: Those niggas are opportunists. Pure opportunists.


  1. Anonymous7/01/2014

    Agreed. I recently volunteered to mentor some kids in design through a group in Harlem that was fronted by two black businessmen.
    These two were the biggest clowns I've ever had the displeasure of 'working' with - only out to self promote using whatever talent who will volunteer to help kids. I unfortunately found this out too late when they dropped me into a school. I upheld my commitment to the kids....but theses two old fools ?...they're part and parcel of the reason it's tough for blacks to get anywhere collectively. It's tough being black every fucking day.

  2. Hahahaha. You got that right!


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