WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Organized religion is a business

Organized religion is a business like any other by which I mean it's aim is to make money to perpetuate itself. Some would even call it a scam for its oceanic clause: buy in now and receive riches beyond your imagination when you die. So it is a bit perplexing that homosexuals, characterized by their love beliefs in sodomy, instant gratification, casual hook-ups, cruising, want acceptance from churches; but, then, they so want to be accepted.

And acceptance is a-coming.

Days ago the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
voted overwhelmingly to permit openly homosexuals to serve as clergymen(and women). Not just members but actual pulpit leaders. Gone are the days where one reserved his same-sex urges in deference to his holy faith. The one caveat is this: said sodomites must be in "committed relationships." Presumably because committed relationship means love. Love. Oh if only the world would pipe down and heed the love calls of gays and hippies, it would be a much better, safer, happier place albeit full of head lice and drama queens. Either the 4.7million member business, uh, Protestant denomination doesn't realize many homosexual couples welcome threesomes or will find a way to justify this form of "committed relationship" along church doctrine.

At any rate, this new acceptance will, no doubt, entice open homosexuals back to the coffers, uh, congregation.
Gay-friendly means more green. Cha-ching! Let he,she, he-she, and butch dike who hath much disposable income giiiiiiiive to the Lawd!

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