Where in the world is Steve Saemmler Klein...ripping off more rich dummies desperate to hide their moolah in offshore accounts?
The German native Mr Klein, or SSK as he wants to be cooly nicknamed, had a good thing going down in corrupt Cancun, Mexico, and Belize City. I should know. I worked for him. Hell, I lived in his compound and mansion. It was sick.
No, really. I hated the work; and, as no less a figure than Aldous Huxley noted, Belize is the end of the world.
Is he still unmarried and diddling little boys in Third World countries?I was just thinking about the pear shaped Mr Potato head today. Where is that fat, rich faggot nowadays? I wondered whilst sitting on the toilet. Is he still unmarried and diddling little boys in Third World countries? Is he still fleecing rich dummies left and right? Or has the man turned over a new leaf and joined a monastery in Croatia?
Those are just make believe nonsense questions. I have real stuff on "SSK" and his right-hand henpecked assistant, Herr Mueller. Just ask me!
Or these forums:
- http://www.belizeforum.com/belize/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=119444
- Grupo Cat - Offshore Alert
Yo Steve I thought we were boys. Call me!