WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

It's okay not to be gay

It's okay not to be gay.
Not that one mightn't know that living in or travelling through or passing by New York City (or most big cities or cable television). So ubiquitous is the homosexual campaign of being here-and-queer that it can be argued the ulterior message is: Since you are here, you might as well be queer. Like a chaperon reprimanding students to dance.

The word campaign is not flippantly used. A one-sided race appears to be mounting the aggressive we-are-among-you campaign or, more to the point it seems, YOU-are-among-US. Not since the coming of John Galt has there been such a PR blitz to provoke the minds of readers. My mind has been provoked and, so, I wonder: If goings-on behind closed doors are a private matter, then why are they being championed to be public? If sexuality doesn't matter, then why is it being made to matter? If this is an innocuous reminder of "natural" human behaviour, then why bother? Passing gas, jay-walking, cursing out or ignoring others are just a sampling of natural New Yorker behaviours daily displayed yet we see no advertisements encouraging the actions.

I wonder what warped effect this impresses on young minds? (www.truthatschool.org/news.htm) But ultimately I wonder whether it is still okay not to be gay?

The signs are literally everywhere with messages such as "Gay. Are you?" and "We are among you". The paid-for-be-gay agenda covers several fronts with scant opposition: Bicurious/closeted men (Gay.com), diseased (showing smiling, robust HIV+ gay mountain climbers), racial (Campaign for Black Gay Men's Lives), parental (The Ali Forney Center), athletic (Gay Games), ethnic (with multilingual ads), and cheeky ads featuring two grooms or two brides.

Now if a family center produced a poster starring a beaming housewife, why, the liberal factions would cry foul! (http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=58034)

Meanwhile the signs for homosexuality are physically everywhere---in the subways, on the sides of buses, train stops, billboards---and some are nearly four stories high. If that is not elevating pro-homosexual "private matters", then what is it doing? Covering up a gigantic hole in the wall?

So for those staying in the City or elsewhere in the world let me be the first, if not the only, soul to affirm, yes, it is still okay not to be gay.


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