If, as the ubiquitous commencement address hearken, the graduates are our future, then the country is screwed whether the Monkey-and-chief goes quietly into private citizenship or not. Not everything can be blamed on W. Although...it is curious the national educational quotient is so perilous during the administration of one of our very least intelligent presidents. So much for those C student aspirants! According to a report on national graduation rates released this month by the America Promise Alliance and the EPE Research Center only 1 of 2 students in major city school districts---exempli gratia NYC, Cleveland, LA---graduate. That is practically a coin toss!
For some intriguing reason blacks and Native Americans share the same probability. Why the reservation and urban neighborhood have the same connection when it comes to earning a high school diploma beats me. Maybe, contrary to liberal ideology, there is more to be learned from nature over nurture. Whilst curriculum are being re-prioritized with multiculturalism, diversity seminars, gender studies, GLBT rubbish, wellness (versus physical education) and anger management over geography, American history, fine arts, home economics, graduation rates are plummeting like the American dollar.

So what are American students learning?
Whatever it is, of those learning it enough to pass are Asian descendants (80%) followed by whites (76%) and Hispanics (58%), and females who matriculate about 74% to boys' 66%.
Despite all of this I, a college graduate, could not land more than seasonal stockroom jobs in such major U.S. cities as NYC, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Miami Beach. Education and resume, my foot.
Nearly every one of the interviewers for the past seven years has been either a female, Hispanic or a homosexual.
Only twice have I been interviewed by a (heterosexual) black male. (For some obnoxious angst a gay feels the need to make it clear he or she is a homosexual.) Interviewers hire people based on their personal attraction to them, more so than any professional regard for the company. So...if all the gatekeepers are just high school graduates or less, then, guess what, those people won't hire any persons more skilled than themselves; and lord knows how they got the post in the first place.I can not grow a pair of breasts. I do not have a limp wrist. English is my family's native language.
Fine. I can't hack working under a moron who has to remind me of his "superiority" anyway.
Moral of the story? Learn an Asian language. And for the black community in particular, get over the hip-hop arrogance of "keeping it real" and listen to what Bill Cosby is trying to tell us!
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