"Unconstitutional," ruled California's Supreme Court, and with that rendering there were men dancing with each other in the streets of San Francisco. More so than usual. Homosexuals took boisterous delight and joy in the Court's ill judgment against the ban on same-sex marriage. The majority opinion read in cadence with the gay agenda.
"Limiting the designation of marriage to a union 'between a man and a woman' is unconstitutional and must be stricken from the statute," wrote Chief Justice Ron George.
Oh? Playing house just got bigger.
That the Bay Area and its Supreme Court dissed democratic rule and the mandate of the California voters is something that won't go unchallenged or unfelt across the nation. Like Californians, the rest of America does not accept marriage as anything other than the legal matrimony (or long standing co-habitation) betwixt man and wife. This is our society and it is a societal norm that oughtn't be manipulated to appease a sexually alternative (sub)culture.
As goes San Francisco does not go the rest of the country.

My foresight on the controversial ruling is that it will do squat to engender tolerance for the homosexual lot, which is largely what it boils down to---being accepted as normal, equal, all right---because the ruling threw contempt to the voice of the people and forced a grotesque distortion of marriage into reality. From a lot that claims inherent openness (my book) and prattles on against imposing one's mores onto a people I find it near unbelievable the jubilant homosexuals do not see the gross irony in all of this. Then again, a hedonistic, narcissistic lifestyle is principally concerned with instant gratification.
Now, since the 'one man, one woman' rule is "unconstitutional" and undignified in its rigidity does this mean polygamy is fair game again...and without me having to live with God freaks out in the middle of nowhere? Hmmm, maybe there is something to this after all....
More to come!
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