WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

On marriage. A brief criticism

Goes the old joke: Marriage is a sacred institution - (cheeky pause for effect) - And who wants to be in a institution, right? Hahaha, oh Burt you're a gas!If marriage was ever questioned before - and it has been -- then its meaning(?) in the present is even more questionable. Amid shamefully high divorce statistics - granted on shamelessly stupid bases like "irreconcilable differences" which, I thought, were already covered in the avowed for-better-or-worse part of the nuptials -- and irrational acquiescence to homosexual howling for, what, tolerance? acceptance? or, ironically, normalcy? the thing I grew up knowing as marriage is dissolving into a whatever.

Outside of title and/or financial assets I cannot comprehend why so many people are so damn eager to enter into a marriage
One part of me dislikes this. I disdain senseless upheavals of order and sensibilities along with false revolutions and their charlatans be they catchy slogans (Be all you can be...in the US Army) or misunderstood "hip" icons (Che Guevara) irregardless of my subscription to the societal norm or regime, whichever the case may be. Men have no business "marrying" - yes, I use quotation marks - other men (and, of course, the same applies to dykes).

Another part of me cares terribly little in as much I, personally, don't see marriage an attractive venture. Outside of gaining title and/or financial assets I cannot comprehend why so many people are so damn eager, homosexuals especially, to enter into a marriage. The stigma of "living in sin" or co-habitation is hardly existent, enough suckers have already bailed, id est divorced, to clue in would-be suckers to beware, monogamy, though dime-book romantic, is unappealing and contra Nature, a total societal construct if ever there was one; consequently, adultery is highly stigmatized and heavily punished by divorce courts, independence gives way to conformity in a way that leaves many people vexed and justifying their miserable existences to bands of others whom they are obligated to sustain (unless, that is, they esteem their existence via the unskilled act of reproducing), it is expensive financially and emotionally.

A life well lived beats a life long lived
 Studies indicate that married men, on average, live longer than bachelors but, then, isn't that really largely a question of companionship rather than legally binding marriage? I think a life well lived beats a life long lived. Besides, husbands uncommonly outlive their wives. Death for them, like P.O.W.'s, perhaps, may be a sensible and desirable get-out-of-jail-free card.

All this brings me to the latest affront on marriage: a
Japanese man has wed his computer. A young Japanese was so committed to his favorite video game that he - swear to God, am not making this up - that he "married" the virtual character before some forty well-wishers or as I regard them, other morons. They met on the video simulation game, Love Plus.

Admittedly, the video game character is controllable and does have big tits but she...is...a...virtual...character. Not real. More unreal than the biggest silicone titties or nip/tuck job known to Man. As far removed from reality as Neverland; Or
the thing I grew up knowing as marriage.

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