WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Liberal bullshit in Puerto Vallarta

The Puerto Vallarta Scene Forum is an all-around news & gossip electronic bulletin board. Open to almost anything except unless it is contrary to the webmaster and the other liberal narrow minds who live on it. I get it. I do: Canadians and Americans flock to Vallarta to escape people who don't think like them, to work on that permanent tan, to make their savings stretch, to patronize Mexicans (and Mexican hustlers).

It was that last part which so irked the forum webmaster who calls himself Freeeye. When I posted the following critique against the Antropology Bar

Freeeye's knee-jerk reaction was to call me a right-wing nut and accuse me of slander...because, apparently, anyone who doesn't like a part of the Vallarta scene is a neo-con, neo Nazi, Sarah Palin supporter, right-wing nut, bigot; I've been called them all by "open-minded" people who seem to never leave the computer. Losers are as losers do. If you find fault with any aspect of Old Vallarta's affluent hippy and/or homosexual dogmas, then surely you are, to sum the above names, a bad man.
I'm a muckraker other. Other, referring to those "communities" who think their shit don't stink owing to their anti-war commitments
Why would the webmaster (and the others, all foreigners and, I suspect, all white) take exception to my piece on the Antropology Bar? (Click above link show me the racism!) Maybe the bar owner, Jose, is his drinking or butt buddy? Or maybe, like so many other gringos, Freeeye is just another exploitative expat and likes to get his rocks off with the cheap chichifos. Consequently this made me the unwanted whistle-blower (click 'exploitative' link to see how I upset the Vallarta Scene liberal hypocrites) and I've been permanently banned. Ob la dee, ob la da. This is why I've never cottoned to these electronic social boards: they are nearly never discussions and they are always a waste of time.

But I'm not just a whistle-blower. I'm a muckraker other. Other, referring to those "communities" who think their shit don't stink owing to their anti-war, anti-GOP, heterophobic commitments. Wake up! Republicans, Christians and straight people don't own racism and bigotry.

I'm sure Freeeye et al. also took massive exception when, after posting about his marriage to a "professional whore" and a son who was a "pimp-- his words, not mine - I informed him:  1) he was sharing way too much (irrelevant)information and suggested 2) maybe he should marry another "whore." 

No wonder Freeeye's avatar is that of a hobo cat. Booyah!


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