WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Something to smile about

Smile. Because you're anonymous you when right about now it sucks to be either:
I lied about saving lives during 9/11 to feel like a hero
this guy

or this guy

But I still nailed Sheryl Crow this many times!
and definitely this guy


Munsters in the White House..?

Who needs Photoshop when Reality speaks for itself? Just look at Paul Ryan's hair line! 
This is too funny. 

Will you vote like Homer Simpson?


It's just a month away. Get ready to vote, suckers. I won't bother with it...but you probably will.
Good luck!

Slave sought on Craigslist

Below is an actual ad posted on Craigslist Berlin. This brutally cheeky albeit unreal - but honest! - job description is spot-on for my post-graduate job hunting experiences...right down to the "female" requirement:

Native English Female Office Slave (Charlottenburg)

Officially, we are offering an internship in ecommerce, but it's really a slave-position - there is nothing to learn here. Our company sucks, our products suck and our boss is a nightmarish caricature, combining the worst character traits of Jay Gatsby, Eric Cartman and Pinocchio. Your tasks will be mundane, point- and mindless and the office's general atmosphere is hostile or apathetic, depending on the boss' presence and mood.

Only reply, if:

You are desperate and have no expectations
You are a native speaker of the English language and female
You have a CV and some kind of college education

  • Location: Charlottenburg
  • Compensation: 600
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 3315317579

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