Below is an actual ad posted on Craigslist Berlin. This brutally cheeky albeit unreal - but honest! - job description is spot-on for my post-graduate job hunting experiences...right down to the "female" requirement:
Native English Female Office Slave (Charlottenburg)
Officially, we are offering an internship in ecommerce, but it's really a slave-position - there is nothing to learn here. Our company sucks, our products suck and our boss is a nightmarish caricature, combining the worst character traits of Jay Gatsby, Eric Cartman and Pinocchio. Your tasks will be mundane, point- and mindless and the office's general atmosphere is hostile or apathetic, depending on the boss' presence and mood.
Only reply, if:
You are desperate and have no expectations
You are a native speaker of the English language and female
You have a CV and some kind of college education
PostingID: 3315317579Only reply, if:
You are desperate and have no expectations
You are a native speaker of the English language and female
You have a CV and some kind of college education
- Location: Charlottenburg
- Compensation: 600
- Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
- Please, no phone calls about this job!
- Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
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