WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Lisa Steed is bull dyke bitch


Another documented case in point of why I don't trust pigs: Utah Highway Patrolman, Lisa Steed FINALLY got fired - two months ago - for persistent police brutality and is now staring down the barrel of a class action lawsuit for her corruption.
why is it that real life policewomen nearly always look like bull dyke lesbians?
Seems Miss God-complex habitually bullied and arrested innocent people, falsified charges and was not trigger shy about using the Taser gun (another reason why I am not spellbound by the short-sighted anti-gun criers: those with guns brazenly abuse those without guns. It's a fact: the Wild West wasn't nearly as shoot-'em-up as Hollywood Westerns portray!). Her particular specialty was slapping motorists with hefty DUI crimes -- for which the bitch was rewarded with "Trooper of the Year" in 2007. Still believe policemen don't have quotas to fill?
(video clip)
Since Lisa Steed is no rookie on the Force this means her criminal behaviour - and it is criminal - was not only habitual but callous id est I'm above the Law because I am the Law!  What she is is a cow. Seriously, why is it that real life policewomen nearly always look like bull dyke lesbians...and isn't that really, after all, what a masculine bovine amounts to?

 Mooo. Burp!

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