WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

We Steal Secrets


Last night I saw the documentary We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks.

Since Wikileaks is now a household name there was much I already knew about the organization and the frontman, Julian Assange, and Bradley Manning. BUT there's helluva lot I did not know. Like how crazy Manning was!
It's a complete head-scratcher why the military allowed this little drama fairy to stay in the ranks. BUT THEY DID; and his noted unhinged personality finally unhinged a shitload of diplomatic cables and damning videos into the public domain (some of which, incidentally, was already published; thus his prosecution of sharing classified information is hypocritical. Manning is being persecuted for being the messenger, not the message). The private snapped back as any nerd would: he countered his superiors on his own un-muscular turf. Take that! he seemed to laugh.
A wrong is not made righteous by virtue of being done by the USA
Don't misunderstand: the knowledge and images a personnel in his position had to live with deserved to be brought into the light. Turn on the lights, turn out the rats. Torturing and killing people like video game targets is un-American, inhumane, wrong. A wrong deed is not made righteous by virtue of being done by the United States of America.

The interviews given by various persons, including disenchanted former Wikileaks volunteers and the former head of the CIA, make for a well-rounded movie about the genesis of Assange and his hacking prowess...and this business of stealing dark gov't secrets.

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