WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Mandatory condoms in California porn


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AIDS Health Foundation (AHF) has won a tremendous victory over the porn industry in California. Today Judge Mary Droyovage (say, are all court judges female??) put the smackdown on the Industry's claim of freedom of expression and intrusive gov't by mandating porn productions equip their employees with prophylactics. This went from being an L.A. County specific law to - ta-daa! - a decision that effects the entire state of California.   

Unbelievably, porn studios quibbled over the performers being defined as employees. They still vehemently argue the sex machines are "independent contractors" and, therefore, not covered by the workplace safety laws concerning exposure to blood. 

I wrote about this legislation/debate almost a year ago to the date
As to the Industry's pathetic argument that "consumers don't want to see condom porn" I ask, What consumers? Most of the bastards refuse to even pay for it, gleefully opting  instead to steal via filesharing. "Why," I've often heard the cynics sneer, "should I pay to see people having sex? It's not like they're working." Well! With an ungrateful market like this who needs detractors?! Rest assured, consumers of porn will keep on watching porn, period. It's simple: a pervert has to get his rocks off somehow and, Lord knows, with the permanency of the Internet and social media he hasn't the necessary social skills to actually meet and hook-up with real live human beings in the flesh

Besides the concerted efforts of such groups as AHF, OSHA et al. for mandatory condom use today's landmark verdict was lubricated by the surprising legal move of San Francisco porn studio Treasure Island Media who, rather than flagrantly flaunt the law and pay the hefty fine like other studios, chose to pursue the big bad heroic route by appealing. They lost.

(Read the LA Weekly article here)

What's your thoughts on condoms in porn (or, hell, porn in general)?

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