WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Why Liberals never impose their values on others

Don't impose your values on others, goes the conventional wisdom of broad minded peoples. It's quickly followed by the rhetorical, Who are we? What makes us think we're any 'better'? by which they wiggle the index and middle fingers of both hands to emphasize quotation marks. 

Did you ever notice this tolerance Molotov is only ever lopped at God-fearing Christians and conservatives...and rarely, if ever, at something that's acutely at home on the Liberal agenda? That's because Liberals don't champion agendas. They are for "human rights," not agendas. Another explanation owes to this simple fact: suicide by Molotov cocktail has yet to catch on -- with anyone. 
No, Liberals don't see the missionary work they do as imposing their values on others (these are values everyone should embrace); as being resistant to other's ways and customs (tradition is another word for oppression); and Liberals most certainly can't fathom how their ardent beliefs can possibly be construed as insensitive. But when the West goes traipsing its wanton, amoral celebrities throughout the world with its messages of Equality, Tolerance, Democracy one must step back and try to imagine how this appears to the persons receiving the charity. I'm reminded of the fixed parental warnings: DON'T GET IN THE CAR WITH STRANGERS and DON'T ACCEPT CANDY FROM STRANGERS and LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE YOU CROSS THE STREET.

So because "we" have working mothers and child daycare, "they" would do well to have it too; "we" celebrate same-sex unions/adoptions/lifestyles therefore so should "they"; "we" accept religion as another style of philosophy - and convenient vehicle for social goings-on like funerals or marriages - but "they" tend to take it too seriously; "we" freely enjoy depictions of sex and violence in entertainment and the sky hasn't fallen so, c'mon, what gives? Get with it.

I wonder if "we" are any better for having gotten with it.    

Hey, liberal reader, why is that?? 
(Btw, you can also comment if you are conservative!)   

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