WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Reducing James Baldwin to his bedroom

I came across a clip of James Baldwin speaking that I hadn't before seen. The particular segment of the clip concerned what white people knee-jerkingly like to (dis)regard as the race card. (You'll notice they never play the race card -as if, for that matter, it is a literal card game or a game in any general sense of the word - only we do.) As it concerned a discussion of "the nigger" I wondered why John Aravosis, founder of Americablog, made a point of mentioning Baldwin's sexuality and dress. So, too, did a few of the article's comments. The majority of the readers, though, were successfully distracted.

Below is the exchange which followed between me and the single-minded Aravosis on Twitter: 
  1. because we're proud of him being gay, and I think he's a worthy role model for a lot of young gays
  2. Only thing is James Baldwin was not 'a gay.' Didn't make his living or mark on the world as being gay. He was about smthg!
  3. I'm not sure I understand your pt. He was as gay as he was black as he was a man. And his gay mark has been made now
  4. Weak. Like celebrating F.Scott Fitzgerald for having . Or drinking lots of gin. Since both were 'equally' true of him.
  1. RT "Yeah if people with wives were gassed to death in the Holocaust you could make the comparison" {They were. Jackass.}

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