WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Criminals in clown suits

No, we're not talking about The Joker - who, by the way, just has a clown face - or career politicians whose suits, while obviously off-the-rack, are bland and tired but not tasteless enough to be called 'clownish'. 

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Regula 12.02.2014 10:45

It's mostly the government fearing to lose control as the wealth disparity widens and new jobs are primarily low-paying jobs, termed by Obama as creating "ladders of opportunity" - from Mc Donalds to Wendy's? The entire militarization of the US police is really in expectation that the population at some point will revolt - then the government will be prepared with machine guns, armored cars etc. It will be bloody and Obama won't clamor that he will impose sanctions if peaceful demonstrations are hit down - he will hit them down, no matter if peaceful or not - how could they be peaceful when against the government?

Alan 20.01.2014 17:09

The illegal drugs were just an excuse to destroy a young white male. Cops are extremely jealous and hate young white affluent good looking males especially if the have a gorgeous girl in their vehicle. They are full of hate in general from years of being involved with violent sports and its made worse because no woman in her right mind would want to even be around them. The few who are married frequently beat their wives whenever they feel like it. Criminals in clown suits.

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