WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Porn prejudice - gay-for-pay (Part II)

The adult entertainment industry is more years behind than its procurers will ever admit. Its industry thrives on and perpetuates sexism and racism. Click here for Part 1
The sexism of the industry inclines many performers to do fag porn who otherwise would not ever consider it. In the parlance, this is called gay-for-pay. Just to further clarify, this means straight guys who perform in gay videos for money.

And compared to regular porn, fag porn truly does pay male performers substantially more money...in fact, beaucoup money. Here also, in gay porn, the male talent receives acknowledgement for his labor/contribution in the sense of name recognition, billing, a thank-you and other little niceties the straight side of the industry fails to apply to the 'b' side of the b/g (boy/girl) formula.
If you'd notice, straight porn has the nasty tendency of decapitating the cock of the tango
For all intents and purposes the woman could just as well be fucking a headless and flesh covered robot.
Many - nearly every, really - straight man attributes the inadequate pay of b/g porn or, just as common, lack of work, to his decision to try gay-for-pay.
Gay porn icon Jeff Stryker, in characteristic candor, admitted in a television interview that although he would prefer to do straight porn, "Tsk, tsk. I wouldn't take off my shoes for five hundred [dollars]!"

Remember the pay discrepancy of female to male salary is HUGE! Arguably, yes, there is more than just the financial gain that persuade a heterosexual man to perform gay relations on camera; otherwise many more men would be into, say, arms dealing, drug smuggling, human trafficking, politics or any other career move that places one far from the poor house. Notwithstanding,my point is that the sexism in the adult entertainment encourages -- via low pay, low consistency of work, zero recognition, shitty working conditions -- straight male talent to, well, reconsider gay-for-pay works.

But does he like it, you ask? What does it matter?
Do we question the females' sexualities in regards to their scenes? No, we do not. In response to such a query Jeff Strkyer answered, "Well, does it look like I enjoyed it?...Really that's all that matters" meaning, that his, like any actor's, personal gratification from completing a scene is, largely, irrelevant to the viewer's perception of the credibility, the believability of the scene.
Gay-for-pay will remain a viable option so long as the female sexism (and cronyism) in straight porn prevails.

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