On porn sets, which nowadays is any place where a perv has a video camera, "equal pay for equal labor" has never been imagined. Pay scale is weighed unfairly toward females and all because of the sexist notion that her sex is more virtuous than his ergo she needs to be compensated more than does he. Bah!
In porn everyone is a slut
In many cases, the stud goes without pay. This makes him a stupid slut. By their own admissions the female talent does not do as much as their male counterparts. The man carries the scene...but the camera (and box covers) focus on the woman. Wag the dog, anyone?

All that is required of female models is that they look hot---not be punctual or cooperative or even believeable on camera. Just hot. And for this paltry qualification the cunt typically earns at least 3x more than the cock.
This is sexism
Still some dickheads happily don't mind this unfairness. They work for nothing or next to nothing, blissfully joining the crop of labor historically associated with apprenticeship, slavery, junkie madness. And like its mindless brethren, the slave and junkie, the dickhead receives his cheap, quick fix and blissfully remains unappreciated.
I've not ceased to wonder why so many men sell themselves so short. Oh, right: Because her sex is more virtuous than his.
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