WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Lucky to be Obama -Pt6. (1st black nominee)

With the party nomination
now officially, undeniably, and incontestably his, the Obama campaign is being queried on not so much who the nominee will select as his running mate as whether he will "invite" Hillary Clinton to join the ticket. Huh?

They tried to bury him but ran out of dirt

Firstly, the Clinton campaign had the audacity to suggest Mr Obama would make a good vice president whilst he was ahead of them. Talk about a mind ¡#@%!

Secondly, probably not since Kerry-Edwards has the party gone with runner-up candidate receiving, well, the runner-up slot...and we all know who turned out to be the winner in that election.

Thirdly, who is Mrs Clinton to demand the vice presidency? There are other politicians just as qualified and vastly more likable than her who happen to not be married to a former president. Hell, I'd vote for Betty Ford before granting Hillary Clinton a second thought.

Fourthly, Mr Obama doesn't owe the Clintons---note the plurality---anything. They tried to bury him but ran out of dirt. Several months ago the field had several candidates vying for the nomination but like all races there emerged one winner and I've yet to hear of winners beholden to those who didn't grasp the brass ring.

Fifthly, do we really care to rekindle thoughts of Miss Ferraro?!

I'd vote for Betty Ford before granting Hillary Clinton a second thought

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