WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

CNN: Weather and propaganda

Now that Hurricane Ike has passed through Texas, CNN can report on other world news...like the aftermath of Ike. And Sarah Palin. CNN plays its viewers like fools. It's not "breaking news" if you report the same thing as you did in the last breaking news bit two minutes previous.

I don't like Wolf Blitzer. He looks like a corporate Santa's little helper. His introductions and questions essentially amount to fuzzy sentence run-ons. And what exactly is his post anyway: commentator, reporter, journalist, questionman?? Whatever it is it sure is a cushy one. Wonder whose leg he humped to get it.

Anderson Cooper is slightly better in that he kept attention on the devastation of Hurricane Katrina when all the other mainstream newsmen closed the book once the former FEMA director, Michael Brown, resigned. But even the suspiciously queer Mr Cooper keeps covering naturally occurring extreme weather with attention that hints of pornography or propaganda.

Ike was no surprise. The power of hurricanes and tornadoes is no surprise. The natural cons against living in coastal regions are not surprising. Hurricanes cause great damage to mortals and our mere mortal structures like automobiles, houses, bridges, airplanes, churches; they always have and they always will. So why did CNN proudly transform into a 24hr "Hurricane Headquarters" when the hurricane only passed through one or two states? Maybe because a "breaking news hurricane watch" is more fear and paranoia inducing than, say, Mrs Palin's lipstick...but not as much as, say, our unprotected borders and ports, uninsured Americans, or a deceptive White House.

With scores of illegal immigrants crossing the borders every month would it not be more sensible to report on "Homeland Security" round the clock? Ike blew through and left but millions of illegal immigrants are still here with more sneaking in every day.

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