WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

My quirky fear of Obama paraphernalia

I can't bring myself to buy any Obama paraphernalia. I cheered on his campaign; felt victorious by and proud because of his win; was jubilant and choked-up during the inauguration ceremonies. And I LOVE Shepard Fairey's iconic Obama propaganda poster. But there is just something eerily un-American about the ubiquity of a President's image.

Worship me, fear me, love me! the icons implore

Giant images of the ruler everywhere seem just so, so...dictatorial and Third Worldish; and perversely religious. Am reminded of Nicolae Ceausescu, Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il, Che Guevara ad hoc genus. Worship me, fear me, love me! the icons implore. I am your father, your shepherd, your saviour!

And, so, each time am curious to buy a booster button or magnet or cool shirt print or poster I stop and seriously wonder, Damn, what am I buying into? If anything, he, President Obama, is not mandating his image be placed over hearth, blackboard, city square. His likeness is ubiquitous because the consumer market just can't get enough of him. That, and as the leader of the free world he is arguably the most covered man on the planet...and, unlike his predecessor, President Obama is popular and likable. Maybe I'll get over this paraphernalia quirk and eventually purchase a T-shirt or sticker---baby steps, baby steps!---but I'll be a monkey's uncle to buy the Chia Obama.
I've hope in the man but I've seen The Obama Deception and, now, so can you.

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