The real thorn in this policy is the second criterion: "don't tell." That's a too hard thing for today's homosexuals to achieve. They simply must tell someone, preferably the world, and, yet, have the hubris to wag the finger at the Pentagon for enforcing what is commnoly known military code. It is not enough to be permitted to serve (don't ask) nor to be left alone to serve (don't pursue). The needy homosexual forgets his soldier's allegiance to duty and cooperation, and the civilian in him gets the upper hand and simply must tell the world he's a friend of Dorothy. So the military dismisses his ass. Duh!

former soldier now cute,full-time sodomist and protester
We're fighting two disastrous and unpopular wars amidst a recession, that is supposedly turning around, not to mention a persistent little bug known as swine flu and all former Army Capt James Pietrangelo II---what pride he does his namesake---and the eleven other veterans can think about is their damn homosexual agenda. If they couldn't stand the heat why in the name of Reason did they enter the kitchen in the first place?
The needy homosexual forgets his soldier's allegiance to duty and cooperation
Contrary to Navy Vice Admiral Shanahan, the Policy isn't lacking in integrity. Soldiers who enter the armed forces knowing full well of their sexual urges, preferences, sexual orientation---and their grasp of said emotions and behaviours---and renege on their promise only to turn around with flaming audacity to challenge the system are the ones that lack integrity. This is a serious matter. If a soldier with homosexual preferences cannot keep his own proclivities under wraps---because he feels "repressed"!---then how much more secure is he to hold top secret information?
Hell, he or she will spill the beans at the first tickle...or crack of the whip.
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