WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

My new sexy black laptop

The one high-tech gadget I find it hard to do without is the Internet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, technically the computer is the gadget but you know what I mean. Cellular phones and the whole palm pilot craze do nothing for me but email is super important to me; and, of course, there are my web logs. I always choose youth hostels that offer free Internet (or free breakfast) otherwise it's off to the Internet cafes for me. Satis shilling out coin for that! I finally went out and bought a laptop the other day. Hello wi-fi.

After price-hunting up and down College Street (Toronto) I snapped up one of those new mini models on the market---brand new!! At $270 (+11.5% Canuck tax) I think I got it at a deal. Told myself, Don't spend more than three hundred dollars, and I pretty damn well hit the mark; and it's brand new!!

it's compact, cute and sexy black---just like me. But as an avid traveller I do loves to travel light!

Asus PC900HD. Am a fast typist so the small keyboard will take some getting used to but the small screen is pretty okay...plus it comes with a built-in webcam...ooh la la. Chi-ching. The real kicker for me, though, is its small size. Sure, it's compact, cute and sexy black---just like me---but as an avid traveller/backpacker I love the fact that the doggone thing is no larger or heavier than a philosophy book. I do loves to travel light!

Now I feel like a hip Japanese/Chinese/South Korean traveller. Hehehe

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