WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

South African president is a pimp daddy


Who put the 'afro' in aphrodisiac? I don't know, but South African president Jacob Zuma comes to mind. The old man, 67, has been found to have sired a "love child" with a thirty-nine year old daughter of a family friend. Mr Zuma, a proud Zulu, has been married five times and currently has three wives (wife #3 is a plump thirty-six)----plus a fiancee. Pimp daddy! Go head with yo old bad self! Understandably his critics have blasted him a hypocrite and sex addict.
Hugh Hefner, go chew on your pipe...and plastic pin-ups 
While the president's governing skills and moral guard are questionable, his mojo certainly is not. As the father of nineteen children, Mr Zuma knows
how to get his Zulu on. Just four years ago, the politician faced rape charges (he won acquittal) and publicly confessed to having also screwed a family friend's HIV+ daughter sans condom. It is by now common knowledge that sub-Saharan Africa hosts the world's largest AIDS population.
If Africans don't die first of starvation or guerrilla warfare, then the AIDS disease will get them. It is also now common knowledge not to leave one's daughters around Jacob Zuma.

But President Zuma remains disease-free and footloose. Hugh Hefner, go chew on your pipe...and fake ass, air-brushed plastic blond pin-ups. If I live to be nearly seventy years ancient and lambasted a sex addict, then I'll be goddamn if the preacher leave that out of my eulogy. Booyah!  

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