WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

U.S. lawmakers reject pullout from Afghanistan

Bless his soul, Dennis Kucinich, is a Washington Democratic politician who actually has one. A soul/conscience/moral compass, that is. Yesterday, the congressman presented a bill to the House calling for damn near immediate withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. The bill was overwhelmingly rejected. Whoa. Defeat, yes, but also, in a bigger sense, a winner because the measure's rejection rammed home a reality check to many Americans: F*ck you! We, U.S. Congress, tell you how we want things to go.

So much for "govt for the people, by the people" illusion.

And so much for President Obama's big ass anti-war stance. He, as we were so often reminded during the campaign, voted against the Iraq War because he, as we were so often told, knew from the get-go it was a wrong, ill-conceived, and bogus confrontation. Yet, as President, Obama is more concerned with winning the goddamn tragedy than ending it. I don't think it is about oil so much as it is about his ego. He wants to show that he's tough and imposing. But he isn't; Obama is not a tough guy. He is a charming nerd.
Reality check to many Americans: F*ck you! We, U.S. Congress, tell you how we want things to go
President Obama will not win this war because he is not a fighter, let alone a war president. He is absent of the hard-knuckle, sweaty, domineering toughness that strongmen and bullies, alike, possess that make others move when glanced or shouted at. He is void of any soldier or gangster skills. A man who forwent curriculum at any school of hard knocks as well as military training is far from the best strategist during war. But that's why the nation voted him United States President: to bring home the troops and use his Harvard U. intelligence to right the economy! His unsuitability to engage in war did not matter because we believed the man would not perpetuate the blunderous wars. Well!

Not only has President Obama gone forward with fighting in Afghanistan but now we know the Democratic controlled House of Representatives supports this war as well; a war which they so vehemently denounced up to twelve months ago. 

His unsuitability to engage in war did not matter because we believed the man would not perpetuate the wars

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