When a black man is acquitted of a crime (angry white translation: "guilty as sin, just not found guilty") his detractors claim he bought his way out, he bought his freedom. Understandably, such detractors are unaccustomed to "black men" and "not guilty" being used in the same sentence.
Yet here is Meg Whitman in California and before her, Mayor Bloomberg in NYC, just spending MILLIONS of her own money to win public office. Millions and millions of her wealth, millions in the two digits, just to be able to hold a political office and say, "I feel your pain." Why? And: Bitch no you don't! If you've personally $90 million dollars to spend on a campaign of handshakes, photo ops, debates, and corny political commercials, when you've already proven yourself a success in the business/corporate/Silicon Valley world then there is no earthly way you know what it's like to live on my street. Yet some idiot voters are eating it up! But, save for the talking head pundits, the Public doesn't lambast her and so many other self-made millionaires for buying votes. (Why would a rich man need to enter politics?)
Yes, I expect successful, bright individuals to enter politics. I don't want a raggedy candidate who has only ideals and slogans, and no pot in which to piss. But there is a canyon of difference betwixt a "rich" person who campaigns for a post and one who is willing and determined to spend as much money as it takes to win that post. These "public servants" don't want to help you in as much as they crave power; more and more power.