WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Highjacking MLK legacy


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Blacks are everybody's scapegoat. When any organized group, no matter how disparate, start kicking up sand and demanding better treatment said group always aligns themselves with us black people. Because as black people we are expected to know the depths of pain, sorrow, degradation and, further, to unquestionably sign on to everyone's cause du jour. Only, as black people, we are not expected to know the heights of corporate success, equity, upward mobility -- outside of entertainment.

Homosexuals have been whining for quite some time about their parity with the black race and now that chutzpah has shown even in their association with the AIDS disease. (If it isn't a race thing, then why not saddle up to the exclusive Chinese/Korean/Malaysian/Indian communities; or the unavoidably large illegal Latino population?) 
I took snapshots of these actual billboards towering throughout Hollywood in time for the national holiday in his honor. The organization behind this propaganda is the otherwise commendable AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF). For the record, AIDS is not a civil rights issue and associating Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr with it is a goddamn crying shame.
AIDS and MLK go together like obesity and Abraham LincolnThe AHF missed the mark with this campaign.
Dr King was a Christian minister and I have rarely met homosexuals or those on the party circuit who embrace/reflect/strive towards Christian living. Instead, such people categorize themselves as "spiritual" and articulate disdain for organized religion. Their's is a doctrine that encourages hedonism or doing-whatever-makes-you-feel-good. That ain't Christianity. Christian doctrine has principles not least of which is a restraint of our very human carnal urges and desires, stretching from love-making to hatred. Dr King was liberal in as much as he challenged the white establishment in the 1960s for equality but he would not condone the abject vulgarity and looseness of today's America with its abandonment of family values, rejection of Christian teachings, the retardation of black dignity and the misappropriation of the Black Civil Rights Movement by the homosexual agenda. He was not the opportunist that so many of our religious leaders are today. And, yes, he was a religious man. 
AIDS is not a civil rights issue
Being "born this way" holds no truck. We all fall short of the glory of God but only the lost and wicked take it as a license to maintain a distance from His glory, wallowing in their un-holy shortcomings as a rat in sewage. And the media which say it is okay to live like this are spewing propaganda at odds with Dr King's messages. AIDS is a very real and very important problem which the world must confront creatively, fervently, and compassionately but hijacking our icons is not the way to win over people. AIDS and MLK go together like MLK and amputees, or obesity and Abraham Lincoln. Bad education is no different than an unjust law: they both influence/effect people's lives detrimentally. The AHF missed the mark with this campaign. You don't raise people up by desecrating their hero's legacies. 

this is not education but misappropriation

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