WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Crips or Bloods (LOS ANGELES)


I like wearing bandanas. They're practical, easy to carry and accessorize. And they look cool. But when I saw the above on display in a Van Nuys Dollar Tree store I paused and thought to myself: Seriously in L.A.?! Will this sunny cesspool never learn?

For those unfamiliar with Los Angeles gang history, the Bloods (red) and Crips (blue) are two of the largest and most deadly organized street gangs. One needn't be from California or in law enforcement to have heard of them. Like Hell's Angels, their reputations precede them. They are bad ass black criminal sonsofbitches who do battle over territory they don't - and never will - own. They've shed rivers of blood and wasted youth on a Shakespearean level. The gang violence of Los Angeles is the backdrop of a  Hollywood movie directed by Dennis Hopper and starring Robert Duvall and Sean Penn called Colors (1988). 

On the one hand, no, there is nothing inherently bad - or suggestive - about a red bandana or a blue bandana or a green bandana any more than there is in  wearing a hoodie or high heels. But if you're a diabetic counseling center it probably wouldn't be the smartest move to open up shop next to a pastry chef. And the fact that the L.A. store only had bandanas in those two colors really is a head-scratcher that makes me question management.

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