WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

From whence comes faggot

A wordsmith, I love all things that have to do with words - pronunciation, syllables, various correct spellings (e.g., tire/tyre), homonyms (e.g., liar/lyre), rhyme, the harmony of a coherent paragraph, the temper of a moving speech - especially etymology (not to be confused with entomology). 

Today's 'word of the day' is not the typical unusual specimen that only gets the rare breath of light in something like The New Yorker, at gatherings of effete academics or when someone thumbs through the Oxford English Dictionary in search of the definition of that arcane word needlessly employed by the effete academic in his article to The New Yorker. No, the mot du jour is one with which we're all quite familiar and, thanks to progressivism - and ABC network - are near daily encountering new famous, living exemplars: faggot. The following explanation comes courtesy of anonymous online commenter fingKweersBePerverts  (he sounds like a 'colorful' character. Consider yourself warned) to "Pedophile teacher abused dozens as clues missed" .   

A little history on the word fa660t.

Don't you find it peculair that the word fa660t could have two vastly different meanings...
fa660t - a bundle of sticks
fa660t - a male homosexual

As usuall[sic], with the meaning of words, there is an association.
Years ago, during a more righteous and moral time, fa660try was potentially punishable by death. This was commonly done by burning at the stake.
A homosexual would be apprehended, typically due to the trail of sexually abused teen aged boys in his village or surronding villages.
The homosexual would then be tried and brought to justice.
Once convicted, the homosexual would be sentenced to be burned at the stake. They would take the homosexual and bind him to a sturdy post and then scatter a "fa660t" of wood at his feet.
The victim, or more commonly victims, the teen aged boys who were sexually molested would then be offered the opportuny[sic] to light the fire.
It became common for numerous boys to be fighting screaming "i wanna light the fa660t", no, "i wanna light the fa660t". hence the association between the male homosexual and the term fa660t!!!

And there you have it! Gives a whole new perspective to the Burning Man, don't it?

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