Two Obama-hating clowns got smacked down today: big, fat racist idiot, Rush Limbaugh and bitter, delusional racist Orly Taitz.
Pigman Limbaugh was dropped---dropped like a bag of poison oak---from the group seeking to buy the St Louis Rams football team. While his fans fired off emails of support his friends gave him the boot because, unlike fans who have nothing to do with the man except rant their white men's burdens and encourage his rantings, his friends are about business and having Mr Limbaugh in the group was detrimental to business. As a blind supporter of failed businessman Geo. W. am sure Mr Limbaugh can appreciate a rational move, e.g. dropping his fat ass, made by businessmen who actually aim to make a profit from a lucrative investment.
Said the leader of the bidding group Dave Checketts:
It has become clear that his (Limbaugh's) involvement in our group has become a complication and a distraction to our intentions.Good old Orly got her birther ass handed to her by Judge Clay Land who got tired of her numerous conspiratorial suits against the President's citizenship. Undaunted by her initial dismissal Dr Taitz kept on filing suit after suit with the aim of exposing our President as a non-American illegal alien. Not only was the case thrown out this time and called "frivolous" but she was fined $20,000 with the hope that it might encourage her to get a life.
Or as Judge Land wrote:
[using the Court] as a platform for a political agenda disconnected from any legitimate legal cause of action.
Damn, that's gotta smart. But, of course, this only means one thing to these Republican nutters: more incentive to hate our black president!!