WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Hey buddy can you spare a...hundred dollars worth of quarters?

Over a span of eight years, Buffalo, NY, meter mechanic James Bagarozzo spent half of his work days breaking machines in order to fix his income...oh and have extra gambling money. When the authorities finally caught his clever ass they found more than $40,000 stashed throughout his house, some of it still in rolled coins. In all, the mechanic ripped off the city to the tune of $200,000+!

Some good came of it though. Mr Bagarozzo was able to send both daughters off to college AND pay off the mortgage. Let's hope they're not majoring in accounting. Hello!

Read the news article here to learn how much time porky's got to pay for his crime.

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