WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Man, woman and woman,man; or Russia's anti-gay laws


This week Yelena Isinbayava, Russian world champion-,  gold medalist-, and world record holding pole vaulter, "offended" Western sensibilities by speaking in support of Russia's anti-gay laws which, the world media immediately translated as her being a bigot against homosexuality.

The proud heterosexual, who is taking time off from competition in order to have a child, said in poor English, "we just live boys with women, girls with boys...it comes from the history." Indeed. Without the sexual unions of men and women there would be no history. Because there would be no people! We'd all be dead and never born.
man is meant for woman and woman, for man is only controversial for a mixed-up peoples
When the FACTS of evolutionary science are dismissed in lieu of popular culture, then that throbbing you feel behind your eye-balls is blood rushing to your head -- from being upside down for too long. Maybe the world looks better upside down but if you stay that way, you will die. The great scientist Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species - and most familiar tenet "survival of the fittest" - was an affront to paramount religious ignorance at the time (and still bothers modern day Creationists). Progressives championed Darwinism and science as a light bearer to mankind. Reason acknowledges the merit of his ground-breaking investigation and the bravery it took to publish and defend it. Now, our progressives of the day balk at and whine and threaten boycotts against anything which does not endorse or dares to judge cavalier popular culture -- including science. Oh how times have changed. 

Declaring that man is meant for woman and woman, for man is only radical or controversial for a mixed-up peoples; for a narcissistic, coddled, short-sighted peoples weaned on disposable instant gratification and the virtues of glamour, indiscretion, globalization. To the latter: If we believe and accept this over here, then y'all over there must believe it, too.

One people, one mind. DANGEROUS. 
 Anticreation equals death
The human species cannot procreate itself - again: pro-create - via man & man or lesbianism no matter how much love is involved or how good-looking they are; by its very nature homosexuality is the very essence of anticreation. Anticreation equals death. I do not speak about the appeal, pleasure, coolness du jour of homosexuality - nor the naturalness of the act - but what can be less normal? Making love to a brick, perhaps?  

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