WARNING: No minced words here. İ rake the muck of the 'other', the so-called open-minded side who's preference is to whine and distort reality. If still suckling mom's tit or warped by delusions of polıtıcally correct equality you WİLL be offended by such materıal. Welcome to Reality.

Google has no gay message for World Cup

Say, Google, where is your politicized homepage now that another world games is being held?

You do remember the, what would you call it, humanist(?) stance your company so proudly advertised during the Winter Olympics held in Russia, right? The Games which the West tried - in vain - to make all about homosexuality and homosexual persons. Rather than celebrate athletics or the host country or Olympians you made a big show of endorsing 'gay rights'. Your motive was clearly aimed at antagonizing Russia (note: it's not only President Putin who, in tune with Russians, disagree with homosexual propagandizing to the nation's youth).
Why isn't the Google homepage flipping the bird to hunger, poverty, strife -- in solidarity with the oppressed Brazilians?
Today the World Cup is upon us -- ushered in by weeks of protest and Brazilian unrest. The disenfranchised citizens are angry about lack of food, jobs, upward mobility, equal opportunities, unsafe neighborhoods/gang violence, police corruption. In short, human rights. One noticeable exception to their laundry list of angst? Gayness!
Brazil stages one of the planet's largest rainbow parades, with one of the world's largest rainbow flags, is known the world over as a sex destination, and everybody's just fine with same-sex marriage. 

And with no bullshit 'gay debate' dividing/pitting Brazilians against Zionist rich countries you have no stance to make on your homepage. I see the letters of Google dancing and playing the drums. Unlike the Brazilians they seem happy. 

Hey Google where are you? 

Why isn't the Google homepage flipping the bird to hunger, poverty, strife -- in solidarity with the oppressed Brazilians? Could it owe to the white notion that all brown peoples are perennially happy and full of dance?    

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